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Queensland Rail reminds parents to mind the gap

Jun 05, 2023Jun 05, 2023

Footage of a child falling between the train and platform and another running towards an oncoming train has been released by Queensland Rail as a reminder to all passengers, especially parents travelling with little ones, to ‘Mind the Gap’ and stay behind the yellow line until the train has stopped.

Queensland Rail South East Queensland head Scott Riedel urged parents and caregivers to take extra care while catching trains with children.

"In the footage we see a child slip between the platform and train in a split second, in another clip a little one bolts toward the train," he said.

"It's confronting, but we want to show everyone just how quickly children can find themselves in potentially dangerous situations.

"Children are often excited about boarding the train or are distracted – that's why it's so important for mum, dad or carers to be vigilant around the rail."

Riedel said there were 122 incidents where people had slipped between the train and platform between January 2020 and the end of February 2023.

"It's a concerning number which serves as a stark reminder that we all need to be aware of our surroundings while travelling on the network," he said.

"While small children can often fit through the gap, a larger child or adult can still sustain a painful injury if a limb slips between the train and platform.

"Most incidents occur at our busiest stations, but no matter where you’re travelling on the network – we want you to keep safety top of mind."

Riedel said Queensland Rail's community education program had already delivered vital rail safety messaging to more than 12,000 students at early childhood centres, and primary and high schools this year, but urged caregivers to keep up the lessons.

"Discuss boarding and disembarking safely, hold their hands if possible and mind the gap – a moment of inattention is all it takes," he said.

"Remind children to ‘stay fine behind the yellow line’, pay attention to station staff directions and to never venture onto the tracks – even if they drop something.

"Be alert when travelling with excited little ones who may wander close to the edge of the platform unaware of the dangers of passing trains."

Riedel said Queensland Rail invested in customer safety initiatives such as platform raising, safety signage and platform and onboard announcements.

"Station staff and guards are also on hand to help parents with prams and young children get on and off our trains. Find the blue and white wheelchair markings at the center of the platform and let one of our team know you’ll need assistance," he said.

"Take advantage of priority seating near the carriage doors, apply your pram brake, and make sure your little ones are strapped in correctly.

"We can all do our bit to ensure everyone, including our youngest passengers, arrive safe."

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